About the Journal

The Law and Economics is an interdisciplinary Publication. It seeks to promote an understanding of many complex phenomena by examining such matters from a combined law, economics, and organization perspective (or a two-way combination thereof). In this connection, we use the term organization broadly - to include scholarship drawing on political science, psychology and sociology, among other fields. It also holds the study of institutions - especially economic, legal, and political institutions - to be specifically important and greatly in need of careful analytic study.


Current Issue

Vol. 19 No. 1 (2025): Law and Economics
					View Vol. 19 No. 1 (2025): Law and Economics

This issue has been published on time, thanks to the TEAM involved, Editors, Reviewers, of course Authors who consistently make improvements. The authors in this issue consist of 13 authors, who come from different institutions. Among them are: 7 Institutions (2 Indonesia, 5 International Institutions). as follows: (Universitas Putra Abadi Langkat; Yayasan Dermawan Cendikiawan Bersatu, Indonesia; Université de Toamasina, Madagascar; The Catholic University of Malawi, Malawi; Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada; La Trobe University, Australia; Ajou University, Suwon, Republic of Korea.)

Thank you for your cooperation.


Published: 2025-01-27
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The Law and Economics is an interdisciplinary Publication. It seeks to promote an understanding of many complex phenomena by examining such matters from a combined law, economics, and organization perspective (or a two-way combination thereof). In this connection, we use the term organization broadly - to include scholarship drawing on political science, psychology and sociology, among other fields. It also holds the study of institutions - especially economic, legal, and political institutions - to be specifically important and greatly in need of careful analytic study.

  • Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Shaver, Donna J.
  • ISSN : 1829-6688  (Print)  | 3026-1929 (Online)
  • DOI : 10.35335/laweco
  • Frekuensi : Every four months (February, June, and October)