Exploring the Impact of Industrialization on Social Mobility in Rural Com-munities: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation


  • Inglehart Heifetz La Trobe University, Australia
  • Platts Glover Jaffe La Trobe University, Australia




Industrialization, Social Mobility, Rural Communities, Economic Transformation, Inclusive Development


This research explores the complex interplay between industrialization and social mobility, unraveling the intricate dynamics that shape the socio-economic trajectories of individuals and communities, with a particular focus on rural areas. Employing a mixed-methods approach, quantitative analyses illuminate macro-level trends, while qualitative narratives capture the lived experiences of individuals amidst economic transformations. Findings reveal a positive correlation between technological adoption and educational attainment, emphasizing the pivotal role of skills development in the face of industrialization. The negative correlation observed between industrial employment and income inequality underscores the potential for inclusive economic structures in regions with a significant rural workforce. Through regression analyses, the study identifies the percentage contribution of the industrial sector to GDP as a significant predictor of occupational mobility, shedding light on the macro-economic factors shaping employment dynamics. Infrastructure development emerges as a strong predictor of educational attainment, emphasizing the importance of a supportive environment for learning. Qualitative narratives highlight the agency of individuals in navigating challenges, emphasizing the transformative impact of vocational training programs and the role of community support networks in mitigating the effects of urbanization. Moderating factors, including government policies, technological inclusivity, and access to resources, add layers of complexity to the relationship between industrialization and social mobility. The study extends the discourse by emphasizing the unique challenges and opportunities within rural communities, challenging an urban-centric perspective. It contributes to a nuanced understanding of the conditions shaping social mobility and calls for tailored policies that recognize the diversity of experiences within the broader context of industrialization


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How to Cite

Heifetz, I., & Jaffe, P. G. (2023). Exploring the Impact of Industrialization on Social Mobility in Rural Com-munities: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation. Law and Economics, 17(3), 218–236. https://doi.org/10.35335/laweco.v17i3.46